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Liraglutide, a glucagon-like peptide-1 analog, in individuals with obesity in clinical practice
Juyoung Shin, Raeun Kim, Hun-Sung Kim
Cardiovasc Prev Pharmacother. 2023;5(2):49-53.   Published online April 28, 2023
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Obesity is a disease requiring treatment. The prevalence of obesity is steadily increasing both in Korea and worldwide. Individuals with obesity are at elevated risks of diabetes, cerebrovascular disease, and solid cancer; therefore, obesity is now considered to be a disease requiring treatment, rather than merely a cosmetic problem. Nutrition and exercise are the basic forms of obesity management, but it is not easy to lose weight through only one’s own willpower. Accordingly, policies for establishing a cultural environment that encourages desirable behaviors are proposed through multifaceted efforts involving the media and local organizations. However, the pharmacological and surgical treatments selected as medical interventions should be individualized based on an understanding of each individual’s cause of obesity and characteristics. It is important to understand how to enhance and maintain the effectiveness of treatment not only for the prescribing medical staff, but also for the individual with obesity who is being treated.
The effects and side effects of liraglutide as a treatment for obesity
Jeonghoon Ha, Jin Yu, Joonyub Lee, Hun-Sung Kim
Cardiovasc Prev Pharmacother. 2022;4(4):142-148.   Published online October 20, 2022
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The incidence of obesity is increasing throughout the world, including Korea. Liraglutide, the main purpose of which is glucose control, has recently gained significant attention due to its additional effect on weight loss. Liraglutide injections have been widely used as an important treatment for obese patients in Korea. In addition to weight loss, liraglutide has various other effects, such as prevention of cardiovascular disease. Despite its excellent effect on weight loss, notable side effects, such as nausea and vomiting, have also been associated with liraglutide. Despite these side effects, liraglutide has not been discontinued due to its beneficial effects on weight loss. Nonetheless, there are reports wherein patients did not experience weight loss upon taking the drug. As such, there is a possibility of liraglutide misuse and abuse. Therefore, physicians need to have a broad understanding of liraglutide and understand the advantages and disadvantages of liraglutide prescription.


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  • Natural product-based treatment potential for type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease
    Dharmsheel Shrivastav, Satyam Kumar Kumbhakar, Shivangi Srivastava, Desh Deepak Singh
    World Journal of Diabetes.2024; 15(7): 1603.     CrossRef
Body Weight Change and Cardiovascular Disease: Effect of Weight Gain, Weight Loss, and Weight Cycling
Jung-Hwan Cho, Eun-Jung Rhee, Won-Young Lee
Cardiovasc Prev Pharmacother. 2021;3(4):73-81.   Published online October 31, 2021
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Obesity is an independent risk factor for the development and progression of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Various cardiovascular outcomes are related to the association between body weight change and CVD. Metabolically healthy obese individuals could have a better prognosis in terms of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality than metabolically unhealthy obese individuals. Smoking cessation causes significant weight gain and consequent deterioration of the metabolic profile despite not impairing the cardiovascular benefits. Intentional weight loss has a consistent cardiovascular protective effect, but unintentional weight loss due to progressive catabolism and loss of muscle mass could be associated with poor cardiovascular outcomes. Obese individuals who are successful in losing weight with subsequent regain (weight cycling) could have an unfavorable cardiometabolic profile and the risk of CVD. Further studies are needed to evaluate the impact of weight changes on CVD by identifying unknown pathophysiology and to decide appropriate management and interventions for various phenotypes of weight change.


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  • Investigating the efficacy and feasibility of using a whole-of-diet approach to lower circulating levels of C-reactive protein in postmenopausal women: a mixed methods pilot study
    Stephanie Cowan, Aimee Dordevic, Andrew J. Sinclair, Helen Truby, Surbhi Sood, Simone Gibson
    Menopause.2023; 30(7): 738.     CrossRef
Special Article
Effects of Low-Carbohydrate, High-Fat Diets on Weight Loss, Cardiovascular Health and Mortality
Bo-Yeon Kim
Cardiovasc Prev Pharmacother. 2020;2(2):43-49.   Published online April 30, 2020
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Obesity is a worldwide health challenge. The clinical consequences of obesity include nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes, and coronary heart disease. Numerous diets have been developed to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and induce weight loss. Low-carbohydrate, high-fat diets (LCHFDs) have become increasingly popular for weight loss. LCHFDs have led to weight loss in some clinical studies. However, the safety of LCHFDs and their long-term effects on the human body are still controversial. In this review, I will discuss the effects of LCHFDs on weight loss, cardiovascular health, and mortality.


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  • Cholesterol, fatty acids profile and the indices of atherogenicity and thrombogenicity of raw lamb and mutton offal
    B. Pretorius, H.C. Schönfeldt
    Food Chemistry.2021; 345: 128868.     CrossRef

CPP : Cardiovascular Prevention and Pharmacotherapy